A Developmental Stages in Ciona

Developmental Stages in Ciona
Stages Characteristics Time after
St.1 - 26: Hotta et. al. 2007,
St. 26 - 37: present study
Pre-embryonic development
st.0 Unfertilized egg Spawned, not fertilized egg    
Embryonic development, pre-metamorphosis
I. Zygote period (0-1.0hr)
St. 1  One cell Zygote, fertilized egg 24min (0.4hpf)
II. Cleavage period (1.0-4.5hr)
St. 2 2-cell Two cell-stage embryo 55min (0.9hpf)
St. 3 4-cell Four cell-stage embryo 1hr 27min (1.45hpf)
St. 4 8-cell Eight cell-stage embryo 1hr 54min (1.9hpf)
St. 5a early 16-cell Early sixteen-cell stage embryo 2hr 21min (2.35hpf)
St. 5b late 16-cell Late sixteen-cell stage embryo 2hr 39min (2.65hpf)
St. 6a early 32 cell Early thirty two-cell stage embryo 3hr (3hpf)
St. 6b late 32 cell Late thirty two-cell stage embryo 3hr 12min (3.2hpf)
St. 7 44-cell Fourty four-cell stage embryo. The vegetal side of the embryo is round 3hr 21min (3.35hpf)
St. 8 64-cell Sixty four-cell stage embryo. Embryo has a square shape when seen form the top, with bulging B7.4 cells 4hr (4hpf)
St. 9 76-cell Seventy six cell stage embryo. The vegetal side of the embryo is flat 4hr 12min (4.2hpf)
III. Gastrula Period (4.5-6.3hr)
St. 10 110-cell, initial gastrula Gastrulation starts with the apical constriction of A7.1 blastomeres 4hr 33min (4.5hpf)
St. 11 early gastrula The ntochord has invaginated. The vegetal side of the embryo has a horseshoe shape. 4hr 54min (4.9hpf)
St. 12 mid gastrula Six-row neural plate stage. The blastopore  is still central and open 5hr 39min (5.65hpf)
St. 13 late gastrula The blastopore is in posterior position and nearly closed. The embryo elongates anteriorly. The neural plate has more than 6 rows and the A-line neural rows (I and II) start to curve (beginning of neurulation). The large b6.5 progeny are coming together at the midline 5hr 55min (5.9hpf)
IV. Neurula Period  (6.3-8.5hr)
St. 14 early neurula A-line neural plate forms a groove lined by b6.5 descendants. The embryo has a diamond shape. The groove is not closed 6hr 21min (6.35hpf)
St. 15 mid neurula The neural tube has formed on most of its length. The embryo has an oval shape. The a-line neural plate also forms a groove 6hr 48min (6.8hpf)
St. 16 late neurula The neural tube starts to form in the posterior territories. The embryo elongates 7hr 24min (7.4hpf)
V. Tailbud Period   (8.5-17.5hr)
St. 17 initial tailbud I First indication of a separation between tail and trunk territories. The tail is not bent and has the same length as the trunk.  Intercalation of notochord cells is not concluded  8hr 27min (8.45hpf)
St. 18 initial tailbud II The tail is clearly separated from the trunk. Tail and trunk have same length. Neuropore  still open, a-line neurulation  8hr 50min (8.8hpf)
St. 19 early tailbud I The tail is angled about 40°and is slightly longer than the trunk. A few anterior most notochord cells begin to intercalate and arrange in line 9hr 19min (9.3hpf)
St. 20 early tailbud II Neuropore closed, tail angled about 60°, neurulation complete 9hr 30min (9.5hpf)
St. 21 mid tailbud I Tail 1 1/2 times longer than trunk and curve ventrally (90°). Intercalation of notochord cells just finished 10hr 2min (10hpf)
St. 22 mid tailbud II The body adopts a half circle shape. Tail twice as long as trunk. 10hr 54min (10.9hpf)
St. 23 late tailbud I Initiation of the pigmentation of the otolith. Tail strongly curved with tip close to the anterior end of the trunk 11hr 54min (11.9hpf)
St. 24 late tailbud II Notochord vacuolation begins, palps start to be visible at the front end of the embryo. Tail straightens 13hr 27min (13.5hpf)
St. 25 late tailbud III Ocellus melanization. All notochord cells have vacuoles. Tail bent dorsally 15hr 54min (15.9hpf)  
VI. Larva Period (St.26~29, 17.5~24hpf)* Chiba's Stage (2004) ANISEED (2017)
  St. 26
hatching larva Hatching, spherical head shape, immature papillae with pyramidal shape, irregular tail movements 17hr 30min (17.5hpf) Stage0 St. 26
  St. 27
early swimming larva Spindle-like head shape, regular tail movements and swimming behaviour 17.5-20 hpf St. 27
  St. 28
mid swimming larava Elongated papillae and expansion of their basal part, square head, spherical test cells, cilia in epidermal sensory neurons recognizable, preoral lobe recognizable 20-22hpf Stage1 St. 28
  St. 29
late swimming larva Longer and narrower head with respect to St. 28, trunk profile squared at transition between trunk and tail  22-24hpf Stage2 St. 29, 30
  VII. Adhesion period (St.30, 24~27hpf)  
  St. 30
adhesion Curved papillae, otolith and ocellus remnants recognizable 24-27 hpf St. 31, 32
  VIII.Tail absorption period (St.31~33, 27~30hpf)   
  St. 31
early tail absorption Beginnng of tail absorption, tail bending at the transition between trunk and tail, otolith and ocellus remnants recognizable 27 hpf St. 33
  St. 32
mid tail absorption 50% of tail absorbed into trunk. Tail shrinked and thickened, otolith and ocellus remnants recognizable 28 hpf St. 34
  St. 33
late tail absorption Tail completely absorbed, papiliae no more recognizable, otolith and ocellus remnants recognizable 29 hpf St. 35
  IX. Body axis rotation period (St.34~36, 30~60hpf)  
  St. 34
early body axis rotation Beginning of body axis rotation (angle between the stalk and the endostyle more than 0°), outer tunic compartment and outer cuticle layer no more present, tunic cells recognizable in definitive tunic, otolith and ocellus remnants recognizable 30-36 hpf Stage3a St. 36
  St. 35
mid body axis rotation Body axis rotation of 30°- 60°, one pair of gill-slit recognizable, otolith and ocellus remnants recognizable 36-45 hpf St. 37, 38
  St. 36
late body axis rotation Two pair of gill-slit open, body axis rotation at 80°-90°, filtering and feeding activity present, otolith and ocellus remnants recognizable, heart beating 45-60 hpf Stage3b St. 39, 40
X.  Juvenile period (St.37~41, 60hpf~)    
St. 37
early juvenile I Body axis rotation completed, stomach swollen, otolith and ocellus remnants recognizable 63-72 hpf   (3dpf) Stage4 St. 41, 42
St. 38
early juvenile II Larval tail remnants totally adsorbed 3-4 dpf Stage5 St. 43, 44
St. 39
mid juvenile I Additional gill slit begin to open, appearance of stomach, gut and neural grand 4-6 dpf St. 45
mid juvenile II Gonad in form of oval vesicle (corresponding to Stage 6 in Chiba et. al., 2004) 6-7dpf Stage6 St. 46
late juvenile Atrial siphon begins to fuse (corresponding to Stage 7 in Chiba et. al., 2004) 7dpf~ Stage7 St. 47
XI. Young adult period            
St.42   2nd Ascidian Stage (corresponding to Stage 8 in Chiba et. al., 2004)   Stage8  
XII. Mature adult period        
St.43   Gonad fully matured Adult
*  The duration of larval swimming differs among individuals. Matsunobu et al. (2015) showed that the hatched larva requires at least three or four hours to get competence to commence metamorphosis. So the time after fertilization during Larva Period was broad.


The developmental table from stage 1 to stage 26 is based on Hotta et al., Dev Dyn. 2007. From stage 27 to stage 37, developmental table is based on present study (Hotta et al., 2020).


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Biological Materials and Preparation of Embryos

 C. intestinalis type A (C. robusta) adults for time-lapse imaging and for confocal scanning laser microscopy (CLSM) were provided by NBRP from the Maizuru bay and Tokyo bay areas in Japan. For histology, adults were obtained from the Lagoon of Venice, Italy. Species determination was performed checking the discriminating factor “trunk shape” of late larvae, described in Pennati et al., 2015. Specimens collected in different sites possessed the same anatomical and developmental features.


Time-Lapse Imaging

Eggs and sperm were obtained surgically from gonoducts. After insemination, eggs were maintained in agarose-coated dishes with Millipore-filtered seawater (MFSW) containing 50 µg/ml streptomycin sulfate, and the early cleavages were uniformly synchronized (data not shown). To keep the temperature stable, we used a Peltier-type incubator (CN-25B, Mitsubishi, Japan) without any vibration to prevent embryo fusion. Embryos developed in hatched larvae approximately 18 h after insemination.
The naturally hatched larvae derived from egg with chorion were maintained in plastic dishes on the thermo-plate at 20°C to acquire images. Using a digital camera (Olympus SP-350) mounted on a microscope, images were acquired every 3 to 10 min for 7 days (Supplementary Video S4). After 3 days post-fertilization, food was given (vegetal plankton, sun culture).


Histochemistry and Confocal Microscopy

Fixed specimens were prepared at different timings of development, from hatching larva up to 7dpf juvenile. Samples incubated at 18 ℃ were fixed for 30 min – 1 day at room temperature in 4% EM grade paraformaldehyde (nacalai tesque code 00380) in MOPS buffer (0.1 M 3-(N-Morpholino) propanesulfonic acid), adjusted to pH 7.5. Specimens were then washed three times with phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) and incubated in Alexa-546 phalloidin (Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR) in PBS containing 0.01% Triton X-100 (PBST) either overnight at 4°C or at room temperature for 1-2 h. Specimens were then rinsed for 3 min in PBS, attached to glass slide dishes, dehydrated through an isopropanol series, and finally cleared using Murray clear, a 2:1 mixture of benzyl benzoate and benzyl alcohol. Alexa 546 phalloidin was used to visualize cell membranes because it stains mainly cortical actin filaments.
Images were collected with a CLSM on a Zeiss LSM510 META with 40X oil objective or on an OLYMPUS fv1000. To reconstruct the 3D images, 100 cross-section images from top to bottom per sample were acquired (LSM image browser, Zeiss, Germany). The focus interval depended on the sample (from 0.5 to 1.2 µm). The resulting stacks were then exported to raw image series or to 3D image data for database integration. Although the timing of metamorphosis showed a huge deviation depending on the timing of adhesion, we considered an average timing, looking at animals exhibiting a representative morphology. Lastly, these stacks were integrated into the database TunicAnatO.


After in vitro fertilization, larvae, metamorphosing individuals, and juveniles were fixed in 1.5% glutaraldehyde buffered with 0.2 M sodium cacodylate, pH 7.4, plus 1.6 % NaCl. After being washed in buffer and postfixated in 1% OsO4 in 0.2 M cacodylate buffer, specimens were dehydrated and embedded in Araldite. Sections (1 µm) were counterstained with Toluidine blue. Transverse, frontal, and sagittal serial sections were cut. Images were recorded with a digital camera (Leica DFC 480) mounted on a Leica DMR compound microscope. All photos were typeset in Corel Draw X5.



Authors thank Yutaka Satou Lab at Kyoto University, Manabu Yoshida Lab at the University of Tokyo and Onagawa Marine Station for providing individuals of Ciona samples with support by the National Bio-Resource Project of AMED, Japan;

Akitsu Fukuzawa for collection of CLSM image stacks;

Takumi T. Shito for the construction of the flash-independent version (version 3.0) of TunicAnatO;

Paolo Burighel for the excellent comments and suggestions regarding the ontology.